We provide online interior advice and inspiration that is efficient, affordable and accessible.
What we do
The Edit is an online interior design service. Advice and suggestions can be procured from our highly experienced design team.
Access to our design and product knowledge is now available to you by purchasing one of our different Edits offered.
Our Edits include interior and exterior paint specifications; advice on room transformations and answering any one-off interior queries you may have.
We are here to help you! The Edit will give you the expertise and guidance to make confident design decisions and purchases.
Helping you make beautiful design decisions.
We aim to make interior design accessible and beautiful spaces affordable.
From curated mood boards, selecting colours & furniture, to contacting the right suppliers - The Edit is a complete design solution for you.
What to expect…
We tell you what to buy, and where to buy it.
A convenient online solution with a quicker turnaround time and a more cost-effective service.
Ensuring delivery of a quality service every single time - regardless of location.
Making interior design less intimidating for people and introducing design advice.